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Archaeological Sites

Archaeological site of Montedoro

Montedoro Hill overlooks the old town of Eboli and is characterized by steep which elongate towards north-east and south-west. It…

Archaeological site of San Vito al Sele

The archaeological site of San Vito al Sele is near the right bank of the river Sele in Santa Cecilia…

Artisanal quarter

The archaeological site “Artisanal Quarter”, also known as “Le Fornaci Romane”, was located on a steep slope in the periphery…

Villa romana

A vast complex from roman times was was excavated in the Paterno area, south-west of the old town and along…

Porto Alburnus

“The Sele is a river of Lucania, the Alburno port and the mount by the same name are six mile…

Colatoio dei morti

Colatoio dei morti or “o' scola muort” in dialect translates to colander of the dead. This area was situated below…

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“Eboli: a city rich of art, history and culture. The city where great people stop."



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