Veterinario di campagna
- Address: Via Basilicata, 3
- Telephone: 0828 368278
- Mobile: +39 392 9580207
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Dionisio del Grosso likes defining himself as a ‘Countryside Vet’. He was born in Eboli in 1957 and he has been operating in the lacerated and beautiful areas around Salerno, focusing in particular on cows and buffalos, which are also the main objects of his operas and paintings.
His paintings, presented in several collections, represent animal rural life scenes, where he is witness and character: the inspiration comes right from his job and he then gathers his feelings while painting. Colours are strong, full and sunny, whereas animals are immortalised in those moments when it appears that they are actually having a conversation, an agreement, an emotive exchange, which can only be kept by those strictly related to animals.
In 2008, he wrote the book ‘Nel mondo delle mie beste’ (trad. ‘In my animals’ world), where the Countryside Vet, fully in love with his job, describes, paints and take pictures of his world. The way he does it, makes him appear as a professional, an artist, and especially an honest man with great feelings. Following this book, he also wrote in 2010 ‘Nella Terra dei sogni’ (trad. ‘In the dreams’ land’) and in 2013 ‘Uomini e bestie’ (trad. ‘Men and animals’), achieving agreement by public and critics and becoming a well-known writer.
His style is minimal and hyper-realistic, with the use of dialect expressions, the sweet poetry of the field life, the touching melancholy of life passing by and the unlimited passion for his job. All this make the stories engaging and prevent readers to stop reading them.
‘‘Dionisio Del Grosso’ main interest is nature and what comes around it, in particular the animals’ world, the farmyard, the stalls, and… the animals’world as well. All those ‘heroes’ who still believe in the field work to retrieve traditions and respect past lifestyles, which now seem so far behind. Del Grosso’ stories appear to be a combination between the written and the iconic parts, which make them an interesting piece of art.
He does not want to be an artist, he would rather be a daily storytellers of the slow but constant passing by of farmers and peasants. In his writings, and even more in his paintings, you can feel work, commitment, family conception and participation, happy but unsatisfied faces, believing in s life, which was chosen for them by someone else and that they carry on as a sign of continuity with their history and ancestors. Dioniso did not go far in his decision: he is a ‘family vet’, an old and difficult job to understand, where people become ‘doctor-friend’ of family stories, taking part as a pillar and as a solver of problems, as an additional father. Dioniso is other people’ men, who loves telling stories about himself and others by doing what he does, as this represent himself better that the ‘said word’. His manners are simple and full of looks, agreements, facts. A world where time still tastes as time and where shaking hands stands for something impossible to be loose.’’ Umberto Flauto